Customer Support Remote Work

Work from anywhere as a
customer support representative

Work from anywhere for companies worldwide

Get paid in your currency, in your preferred payment method, at your tax residence country

Spend your time with companies and products you love

Apply to work opportunities that meet your personality and schedule

Important FAQ - Please Read

Q: How much will I get paid for my work?

A: At VMove, you set your hourly rate as a contractor. Potential employers will consider your rate before hiring you. No doubt your monthly cost is going to play an important part in their decision making, however it is definitely not the only factor. Many employers will be happy to pay a higher hourly rate, to talent with more experience, excellent assessments - who they believe will provide better service to their customers. Keep in mind you will have to commit working at least 3 months - so we strongly recommend setting a rate you’ll feel comfortable with, as you’ll not be able to renegotiate your hourly rate during the commitment term.

Q: How do I get paid? Can you pay me in my tax residence country?

A: You can get paid in any currency, by a bank transfer, PayPal, Revolut, Wise, or Payoneer. Payment methods are available according to your declared tax residence. You can only work as a contractor, hence you’ll have to invoice VMove every month, before withdrawing your money.

Q: Can anyone join the marketplace?

A: No. To succeed as a remote customer support representative you’ve got to be people-oriented, service-oriented, self-motivated, hard-worker, and be able to work remotely. To sell your services at VMove, you’ll have to (1) have a full profile on our website, (2) pass a proficiency-level English test (3) pass a minimum score at all our assessments, (4) attend a virtual face-to-face interview, and (5) provide identification documents and declare your tax residence country. This process is time-consuming, and require an effort on your side. Those who pass the screening process will enjoy rewarding remote work opportunities in customer support, as well as a way to start and develop your customer support career.

Q: How long do I have to commit?

A: 3-12 months. Customer Support work is demanding, and require a screening process, and (paid) training. Both employers and talents are required to commit, contractually, to a long-term hiring terms. You can apply to part-time (90 hours per month) work opportunities, or to a full-timers (180 hours per month). Customer Support work is normally done during shifts, you’ll coordinate with your employer in advance. Please do not apply to positions if you aren’t 100% sure you can commit to the terms specified in the opportunity description.

More questions? Check out our Talents FAQ in our Help Center

Challenge Accepted?

Develop your career and reputation in the customer service profession

Work long-term for committed employers

Set your hourly rate. Be approached by relevant employers only.

Minimize your risk – if it’s not a good match – you can leave after 1 week

1 platform to apply for work opportunities, manage time sheets, and be paid

Sign Up to start applying for customer support opportunities.